Now offering the Discseel® Procedure. Learn more.

Our Approach

Our approach to treating back and neck pain starts with an accurate diagnosis.

Accurate Diagnosis

It’s only through careful and accurate diagnosis of your source of chronic pain that we are able to tailor the most effective treatment plan to your unique spine condition.

Whether you have suffered from your pain for one month or 25 years, having an accurate diagnosis is key to successfully treating your pain. We know that a full understanding of your particular problem is necessary to determine your best treatment. Our focus is on decreasing pain while restoring normal function to the injured areas.

As part of this focus, we offer

  • Cutting-edge diagnostic methods
  • Non-surgical treatment
  • Orthobiologic options
  • Minimally invasive treatment

Conditions We Treat

Once the cause of your pain has been specified, effective treatment can begin. When it comes to chronic pain, pinpointing the cause of your pain can be a complex process, but our team won’t rest until your condition is defined. Effective treatment depends on accurate diagnosis. This is why we always put diagnosis first. When you’re ready to reclaim your life from chronic pain, our team is here to help you understand your diagnosis.

Conditions treated at Biologic Spine Therapy

  • Low back pain
  • Head and neck pain
  • Thoracic pain
  • Joint pain
  • Musculoskeletal  pain
  • Tendonitis/Bursitis/Plantar fasciitis
  • Nerve pain

Treatments We Offer

Using the most advanced techniques, we’re simplifying the process of treating chronic pain. We focus on treatment options that offer smaller risks, faster recovery times, and more effective results than ever before. Our goal is to help you reclaim your life with the most effective and least invasive treatment.

Biologic Spine Therapy's treatment options

  • Diagnostic injection (annulogram)
  • Therapeutic injection ( PRP and/or BMC)
  • The Discseel® Procedure

Appointments: What to Expect

Whether you’re traveling to see us or you live locally, our team is here to support you through each step of the process.

Our focus is on gaining a better understanding of you, so it all starts with finding the exact cause of your chronic pain or your preventive treatment goal. From there, we’ll guide you through the treatment process as we develop your personalized care plan.

Biologic Spine Therapy’s goal is to preserve and maximize function and quality of life, and we’ve seen that almost anyone can find relief from pain with the help of good clinical decisions. We utilize therapies like health optimization,  precision injection therapy, stem cell therapy and  orthobiologic options, .

When you’re ready to relieve your pain, maximize function, and restore your quality of life, Biologic Spine Therapy is here to help.

Patient Testimonials

Biologic spine therapy

Get care that's made for you.

Learn more about non-surgical biologic treatments that can help you maintain your function and get your life back from pain.